Delivery Continuity Executive (formerly the ‘New Green Box’)

The Delivery Continuity Executive (DCE) is about “Sustaining the exploitation of information to increase value for money and resilience of Defence Support”. The DCE lead is Dr Tim King (seconded to TD-Info from Babcock)

Highlights include:

  • Appointed to serve as a member of the Team Defence Information core team, providing support to the Defence Suppliers Forum (DSF)
  • DCE is responsible for facilitating continuity in delivery of Defence capability through the coherence of secure, digitally-enabled collaboration across Team Defence
  • This collaboration sustains the exploitation of information to increase value for money and resilience of Defence Support

Activities include:

  • Transition to Industry Co-Chair of the Industry Customers Engagement Forum (ICEF)
  • Initiation of broadening of engagement with MOD ISS

Upcoming Actions include:

  • Operating model for broader engagement with MOD ISS
  • Processing the implications of the Engineering Support Transformation Discovery Phase
  • Support to Log IS Cyber programme

Context and History

The Green Box (which ran from 2009 to 2014) was renamed ‘New Green Box’ in 2018. In April 2018, TD-Info initiated a process to create a New Green Box (NGB) as a joint MOD/Industry activity. This stems from the Defence Suppliers Forum (DSF) making a proposal and identifiying Team Defence Information (TD-Info) as the body to facilitate this activity.

(NGB) is a construct whereby Industry is engaged as a stakeholder in the MOD processes for consulting on and assessing the impact of proposed information system changes on their output based contracts as well as NGB assisting MOD to shape significant new requirements. NGB activities are designed to take advantage of the collective ‘Team Defence’ wisdom and experience to inform decisions with aims that include: minimize risk, optimize requirements setting and synergies, reduce costs and improve interoperability, agility and innovation. All these elements contribute to the shared Whole Force goal to enhance operational capabilities for UK defence.

For more information go to the Keyword: Delivery Continuity Executive (formerly New Green Box).

Delivery Continuity Executive Documents



Information on all sector-relevant events, run by TD-Info and other organisations.

“Energy Transition by Design”

The UK MOD Operational Energy Authority (OEA), along with the MoD Finance and Military Capability (Infrastructure) (FMC(Infra)) and Climate Change & Environment (CCE) directorates, invite you to register your interest to attend the Energy Conference (EC) 2025.

The theme of “Energy Transition By Design” (ETBD) aligns with NATO’s framework for adapting to the ongoing Energy Transition in a coherent and coordinated manner that preserves interoperability and enhances military effectiveness while also contributing to combating climate change.


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