Fuels Transformation

Programme RAAF

Air Commodore Sally Pearson & Trish Clifford

The​ Defence​ Fuel ​Transformation​ Program​ is​ a​ $1.2​ billion​ dollar​program​ of ​work​ to​ deliver ​a ​simpler,​ safer​ and​ assured ​Defence​ Fuel​Network ,​partnered​ with ​industry. ​It ​includes ​new ​and​ upgraded​Defence​ Fuel​ Installation​ and​ a ​contract ​for ​the​ supply​ of ​‘fuel​ services’​ to ​Defence. ​Fuel ​services​ includes​ fuel ​supply,​ operations​and​ maintenance​ of ​Defence​ Fuel ​Installations​ together​ with​ asset​ and​ inventory​ management. ​The​ fuel​ services​ contract​ has ​an​estimated​ value​ of ​$5.7​billion​ dollars.​ Building​ upon​ the​ Defence​ Fuel​Transformation​ Program, ​Defence​ has​ commenced​ a ​review​ into​support​ for future requirements of Australian Defence Force capabilities,​including​ taking​ up​ of ​renewable​ and​ biofuels,​alternative​energy​sources​ and​ reducing​ its​ carbon footprint.

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Categories: Logs Tx Team - IEG PUBLIC, Logs Tx Team – IEG