DSFA Update

Group Captain Jamie J Miller MBE MBA MA RAF

Assistant Head – Defence Strategic Fuels Authority

The​ Defence​ Strategic​ Fuel ​Authority ​is ​now​ 7​ years​ old​ and​ its​departments​ deal​ In​ wide​ reaching​ areas​ of ​defence​ fuels​ (oils,​lubricants​ and​ gasses)​ from​ the​ strategic​ to ​the ​tactical​ levels. ​Many​of ​those​ who​ engage ​with ​DSFA ​do ​so ​into ​one​ department​ only ​and​thus,​sometimes ​little​ is​ known​ of​ what​ goes​ on​ across ​the​ whole ​of​the​ org. ​Using​ current/recent​ examples,​this ​presentation ​aims​ to​ give​a ​flavour​ of ​what​ each​ department ​deals ​with​ or​ ‘What ​has​ the ​DSFA​ever​ done​ for ​us?​

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Categories: Logs Tx Team - IEG PUBLIC, Logs Tx Team – IEG