Overseas Bases Fuels Resilience

Captain Tim Ferns RN

Chief of Staff, Overseas Bases Directorate

The​ presentation​ from​ Overseas​ Bases​ Directorate​ will​ focus​ on​ the​development​ of ​Global ​Hubs ​that​ enhance​ our global reach and support our persistent engagement. After ​years​ of​ under investment​in ​the​ Overseas​ Bases​ it ​seems​ we​ have​ a​ once​ in​ a​ generation​opportunity​ to​ rethink​ fuel ​provision​ in ​the​ overseas​ bases,​starting​ with​ Gibraltar ​and​ the​ Kings​ Lines​ Oil ​Fuel ​Depot.​ Cyprus,​ too,​is​ in​ the​frame​ for ​investment ​in ​the​ jetty​ and​ the​ Directorate​ is​ looking​ closely​at ​how​ we​ might​ exploit​ the​ opportunity​ that​ Duqm​ presents​ for​operations​ in​ the​ Middle​ East. ​Further​ afield, ​we​ wil ​ improve​ our​resilience​ when ​we ​transfer​ the​ management​ of​ Sembawang​ in​Singapore​ to​ the​ OPA​ and​ this ​may​ present​ the​ model​ for​ the​ future.​The​ Falklands​ didn’t​ feature​ in​ the​ IR​ but​ we​ need​ to​ continue​ to​advocate​ for​ investment ​here​ too,​ particularly ​if ​Russian​ and​ Chinese​ influence​ continues​ to ​grow​ in​ the​ South​ Atlantic. ​And​ we​ are​ looking​for ​opportunities​ to​ test​ and​ develop​ sustainable​ energy​ initiatives​ as​we ​offer​ some​ excellent​ testing​ environments.​

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