Fuelling Defence without fuelling climate change

Jamie Baker

Director of External Relations

UK Petroleum Industry Association

With​ Government’s​ legal​ requirement​ to ​meet​ Net-Zero​ by​2050,​ all​parts​ of ​society​ including​ national​ defence​ will​ need​ to ​play ​their ​part​in​ reducing​ to​ net-zero​(or​ beyond).​ UKPIA,​ who​ represent​ the​ UK’s​major​ fuel​ manufacturers​ and​ suppliers,​will ​be​ presenting​ on​ some​ of​the ​emerging​ technologies​ (vehicular​ and​ fuels​ themselves)​ that​ can​ move​ Defence​ beyond​ fossil ​fuels ​in ​a ​way​ that ​minimises​ disruption​and​ maintains ​operational ​capability.

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Categories: Logs Tx Team - IEG PUBLIC, Logs Tx Team – IEG, Sustainable DS PUBLIC