As part of moving the Sustainable Support Strategy forwards the next Sustainable Defence Support (SusDefSp) Sub Working Group (SWG) will explore how circular economics can improve supply chain resilience, certainty of supply and create operational advantage.
Defence Support Futures are developing a circular economic concept note, the aim of this SusDefSp SWG is to expose initial thinking to wider stakeholders and provide the opportunity for industry, academia and others to provide challenge and insight to inform the next iteration of the concept note
Virtual attendance will be on MS Teams
For those attending in person the venue is: Mott MacDonald, 10 Temple Back, Bristol, BS1 6FL
0930 – 1530 hrs Wednesday 25th October 2023.
Following the working group the concept note will be uplifted and if required experimentation plans amended.
The Concept note will describe how Defence must operate in the future, hypothesise about the benefits and through experimentation build an evidence base to inform future policy, capability development and investment decisions
Anyone with a responsibility for making their business more sustainable and implementing circular economics across their organisation will benefit from attending.
This event will by hybrid, there are limited places to attend in person these will be allocated on first come first serve basis and limited to one person per company
For additional information please contact or