Working together to achieve strategic change

We are a not-for profit Trade Association that works collaboratively with our MOD, Industry and academic members to help modernise and transform Defence Support in the UK.

‘Team Defence’ is a shorthand reference for organisations that collaborate securely across the Defence enterprise to achieve End-to-End delivery of materiel and services, including support through-life. Team Defence is holistic and includes Users (e.g. the MOD, Allies, Other Government Departments and contractors) and Industry suppliers .

The latter spans multinational prime-contractors and niche Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs), securely collaborating across the Defence supply chain and support network.

The role of Industry in Team Defence is broadening as it undertakes a greater share of running operations on behalf of the MOD. Through a need to drive efficiency, both Industry and the MOD are interested in standardisation and use of so-called ‘Common Off The Shelf’ or COTS technology products. With its Team Defence construct, TD-Info promotes awareness that (‘embedded Industry’) suppliers are often ‘co-Users’ with the MOD of Information & Communications Technology (ICT) products and services. Hence, the TD-Info promotes shared understanding of good practices and facilitates a range of holistic Team Defence contributions in areas such as requirements specifications, scenario planning and policy development.

About Us

TD-Info) provides general information on the organisation, who participates, it’s approach, and it how operates.


To find out more about Team Defence Information and the benefits of being a Member. 


Find out more about our all the members we worked with. 

How to Join

Click here and fill out our form to become a memeber


List of all of our people who work at TD-Info. 

Communities of Practice

A list of retired Communities of Practise and their artifacts

Working Groups 

A list of retired working groups and their artifacts


This archive includes past programmes and presentation where the presenter has given permission to share.


A list of retired standards groups and their artifacts


A list of completed projects and their artifacts


Information on all sector-relevant events, run by TD-Info and other organisations.

Lead Sponsors Forum

The Lead Sponsors Forum reviews TD-Info’s performance against agreed strategic goals and helps define its future agenda. Lead Sponsor Forum members are senior figures invited to join from TD-Info’s membership. This meeting is by invitation only.

MOD DUxDA (Defence UxS ((Uncrewed ‘x’ systems)) Design Authority): Face-to Face Industry Early Engagement Event – Expression of Interest

A new Team Defence-info supported MOD DUxDA face-to-face industry early engagement event has now been announced. Please note: Expressions of interest must be submitted by close of play 11th March Background - The UK Defence Drone Strategy 2024...


News and blogs to keep you in the know.