Committee For Automatic Testing Systems For Defence

To Optimise test systems and test programmes used to support equipment across Defence. This committee is a forum that allows MOD and industry to co-operate to their mutual advantage, working and agreeing on best practices associated with Automatic Test Systems (ATS) and providing a coherent input into the IEEE SCC20 standards. (Chair is the MOD Delegated Representative to the IEEE SCC20) Attendees from MOD, DECA, Industry instrument and system suppliers, UK and foreign.

Committee For Automatic Tesing Systems For Defence Documents


Information on all sector-relevant events, run by TD-Info and other organisations.

TD-Info Town Hall Meeting

The TD-Info town halls provide an opportunity for our community, both MoD and Industry to meet and discuss the topics du jour. The September townhall will allow our 1* Exec team to brief on their activities(See below) in the round as they link to our 3* Board’s areas...


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