Defence Support Digital Twin Community of Practice (DSDTCoP)
The Defence Support Digital Twin Community of Practice (DSDTCOP) will promote collaboration and mutually beneficial outcomes in the development of UK Digital Twin capabilities for Engineering, Equipment and Logistic Support across development lifecycles.
It will look to achieve this through the development of architectures and standards to promote interoperability across Government Departments, business sectors and our military Allies and by partnering and collaboration with other UK Digital Twin interest groups to cohere and support development activities to accelerate progress against the roadmap and framework, Ref C.
Specifically, the DSDTCOP will:
- Act as a focal point for Digital Twin Transformation activities in Defence Support.
- Track, influence and shape Digital twin initiatives across sectors and share lessons and experiences from these activities to development and adoption of policy, process, practice and standards.
- Develop and inform the professional development and skills needs of the future digital engineering workforce.
- Promote and develop Digital Twin understanding across the extended Defence Support Enterprise.
- Identify, collate and propose suitable discovery, pilots or capability investigation activities or accelerator projects and champion them through suitable funding routes inside and outside of UK MOD.
- Generate an evidence base to support the business case for development and implementation of Defence Support Digital Twins.
- Sponsor, direct, manage and support the delivery of mutual benefit (MOD and Defence Industry) and submit them to Team.
Digital Twin Community of Practice – Flares Investigation Task Pages:
1. DSDTCoP – Flare Investigation Task – Safety Trace
2. DSDTCoP – Flare Investigation Task – Environmental Testing
3. DSDTCoP – Flare Investigation Task – Design Of Experiments
4a. DSDTCoP – Flare InvestigationTask – Composition – Combustion Modelling