Defence Support Distribution – A DSFDB Sub-Working Group

Challenge. Defence faces many challenges in affordability, accessing SQEP and removing the workforce from harm.

Opportunity. Within the Defence Support Network autonomy and automation has the potential to release skilled people to concentrate on value-add activity, increase productivity and efficiency, reduce cost and re-balance the force.

Outcome. The potential is that Defence Support Outputs can be achieved with a smaller headcount, reduced footprint and a lower cost of ownership allowing MOD to re-invest in battle winning forces.

Horizontal Innovation. Commercial supply chain nodes are increasingly more automated and especially in the strategic base the DSN should be able to adopt at pace while the deployed environment presents more nuanced challenges there is still much that could be adapted and where truly unique to Defence some development will be required.

Lean in, Learn and Lead. This Defence Support Force Development Sub-Working Group will provide the mechanism for engagement across sectors to find out how others are addressing similar challenges, learn from the community to understand what Defence Must, Should and Could do then lead activities across the stakeholder community to accelerate implementation through targeted and prioritised investment decisions.

Governance.  Under Governance of the Defence Support Force Development Board (DSFDB) the purpose of the Defence Support Distribution (DefSp Distn) Sub-Working Group (SWG) is to consider how automation and robotics within the support network could assure Defence Support Outputs with a smaller headcount, reduced footprint and a lower cost of ownership allowing MOD to re-invest in battle winning forces.

Intent. This Defence Support Force Development Board (DSFDB) SWG will provide the mechanism for engagement across sectors to find out how others are addressing similar challenges, learn from the community to understand what Defence could, should and must do then lead activities across the stakeholder community to accelerate implementation through targeted and prioritised investment decisions.

Who Should Attend? Anyone with a passion, responsibility, capability, or interest in collaborating to make a positive contribution towards developing a more automated distribution and material handling capability in the DSN.


warehouse distribution optimisation project

Defence Support Distribution Documents