by Suzette Payne | Nov 17, 2021
Julian Turner Westfield to present on the SUPPORTIVE project and using yourexperience in electrification of surface transport in more general, onhow you are developing higher density rapid charging super capacitors to address the challenges...
by Suzette Payne | Nov 17, 2021
Decarbonising aviation Solange Baena Airbus is pioneering sustainable Aerospace for a safe and unitedworld. We see both the challenge and the opportunity to decarboniseaviation through new innovative and more efficient aircraft,Sustainable...
by Suzette Payne | Nov 17, 2021
Newcastle Uni – ‘hydrogen transport’ Project VITAL Living Lab Professor Phil Blythe FREng, CEng, FIET Professor of Intelligent Transport Systems, Newcastle University RAF Leeming has been designated the Sustainability Living Lab for the RAF. Project...
by Suzette Payne | Nov 17, 2021
Fuelling Defence without fuelling climate change Jamie Baker Director of External Relations UK Petroleum Industry Association With Government’s legal requirement to meet Net-Zero by2050, allparts of society including national defence will need to...
by Suzette Payne | Nov 17, 2021
Overseas Bases Fuels Resilience Captain Tim Ferns RN Chief of Staff, Overseas Bases Directorate The presentation from Overseas Bases Directorate will focus on thedevelopment of Global Hubs that enhance our global reach and support our persistent...