20211117-DFSEE Overseas Bases

Overseas Bases Fuels Resilience Captain Tim Ferns RN Chief of Staff, Overseas Bases Directorate The​ presentation​ from​ Overseas​ Bases​ Directorate​ will​ focus​ on​ the​development​ of ​Global ​Hubs ​that​ enhance​ our global reach and support our persistent...

20211117-DFSEE Operational Energy Trends

Operational Energy Trends Bradley Fitzsimmons MOD DE&S Future Capability Group DE&S​ Future​ Capability​ Group​ are​ exploring​ and​ exploiting​ new​capability​ areas​ for​ the​ Army, ​Royal​ Navy​ and​ Strat​Comm.​ This​exploration​ is​ starting​ to​...

20211117-DFSEE OPA

OPA Management of Gosport and Green Initiatives Paul Grange OPA Operations Director Tim Backhouse OPA Finance Director Gosport​ Tank​ Farm​ is​ close​ to​ completion​ and​ the​ integrated​ team​approach​ has ​meant​ that​ the​ final​ project​ will​ produce​ a​ fit...

20211117 – DFSEE MOD Policy Direction

DSFA – MOD Policy Direction Group Captain Jamie J Miller MBE MBA MA RAF Assistant Head – Assistant Defence Strategic Fuels Authority DSFA is involved in maintaining and developing defence fuels​ (oils,​ lubricants​ and​ gasses)​ policy. ​There​ is ​much​ work​...