20211117-DFSEE DSFA Update

DSFA Update Group Captain Jamie J Miller MBE MBA MA RAF Assistant Head – Defence Strategic Fuels Authority The​ Defence​ Strategic​ Fuel ​Authority ​is ​now​ 7​ years​ old​ and​ its​departments​ deal​ In​ wide​ reaching​ areas​ of ​defence​ fuels​ (oils,​lubricants​...

20211117-DFSEE Decarbonisation for Port of Tyne

Joy Aloor The​ Clean​ Tyne​ project​ is​ a​ collaboration ​between​ the​ Port​ of​ Tyne,​Siemens,​ Newcastle​ University, ​the​ Connected​ Places​ Catapult, ​and​the​ North​ East ​LEP.​ Our​ main​ goal ​is ​to ​establish​ future​ use​ cases ​that ​will​ help...

20211117-DFSEE Building Resilience

HQ AIr Strategic Basing and Resilience Current basing and fuel supply How did we achieve resilience in the past? The resilience challenge of the last 10 years How are we aiming to achieve resilience in future? How much fuel do we need to hold on base? Uplifting...