Ground power/fuel beyond diesel

Group Captain Craig Watson MA BEng (Hons) CEng MIMechE RAF

HQ Air Command – Capabilities

The​ requirement​ to​ deliver ​net​ zero​ emissions​ will​ necessitate​whole sale​ replacement​ or ​retrofit​ of​ hundreds​ of​ airbase​ support ​equipment​ types,​ spanning​ everything from Atlas Transfer Loaders to portable 5kVA​generators. ​For​ air​platforms,​the​ only​ viable​ option​ will​be ​the​ gradual ​introduction​ of ​Sustainable​ Aviation​ Fuels​(SAF), ​which​is ​relatively​ simple​ from​ an ​equipment ​perspective​ as​ neither​ the​platform​ or ​supporting ​equipment/infrastructure​ will​ require​ significant​ modification. ​Conversely, ​there ​are​ several​ potential​technologies ​that​ could​ power​ airbase​ support​ equipment​ in​ future,​each​ with​ differing​ attributes,​ cost ​and​ complexity. ​The​ production,​storage​ and​ replenishment ​of ​each ​energy ​type​ also​ present ​majors​ challenges​ for ​Defence, ​particularly​ in​ the​ deployed​ environment.​

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