DSDTCoP – Flare Investigation Task – Design Of Experiments


The field of Digital Twins as a whole holds incredible possibilities within the entire defence landscape.

In the case of air countermeasures – specifically flares – the ability for them to provide a decoy is a well-established concept and has been in service in the RAF since the 1960s with the Vulcan bomber. Not only is it relevant for today as a countermeasure, it will also be relevant for the foreseeable future.

Digital simulations and representations of flares systems have the potential to provide the MOD with an improved design, test, evaluation and through life support capability for its countermeasure assets. MOD have selected five topics for the Digital Twin Community of Practice to help them understand new approaches.

 Design Of Experiments

What are we looking for? – The requirements for implementing ‘Design of Experiments’ approaches such as the Taguchi approach to existing CM modelling approaches. (Taguchi_methods)

Technical description – Approaches such as the Taguchi approach are traditionally used to identify and reduce the occurrence of defects and failures. This type of experimental design will identify factors that influence variability and will show, through statistical analysis, which factors have the greatest influence and whether they are controllable or uncontrollable factors.

Digital Twin CoP Flare Investigation Task Workstrands
Defence Support Digital Twin Community of Practice

DSDTCoP – Flare Investigation Task – Design Of Experiments Documents