Please note – Expressions of Interest and security details must be submitted before 15th December.
A new TD-info supported MOD Defence Modelling and Simulation Centre (DMSO) industry engagement workshops has now been announced.
The Defence Modelling and Simulation Office (DMSO) – sits within UK StratCom Joint Warfare with pan-Defence responsibilities. DMSO provides improved coordination and coherence of MOD M&S activity to promote both VfM and improved M&S capability across the Defence Enterprise. It ‘champions’ the role of Modelling & Simulation (M&S), informs and advocates policy, and exploits opportunities for greater cost-effectiveness and consistency through the sharing of M&S knowledge and resources. DMSO will promote and create partnerships with Industry, Academia, OGDs and International Partners to secure these aims.
An industry wide investigation and advice task into the DMSO Defence Synthetic Environment Programme (DSEP) will look at: What should a pan-Defence M&S Ecosystem be? What should it deliver? How should it deliver?
DMSO are seeking a comprehensive view from industry on how to increase the use and effectiveness of M&S across Defence from R&D through to Operations. What does MOD need to do to enable industry to deliver more effectively and to be more agile.
DMSO are looking for an industry perspective across three different levels using focused workshops at this event on:
Register for your chosen workshop via the links to the side of the page
Why get involved?
Your contribution will enable you to understand the direction of travel from within Defence, shape, influence and assist MOD in its future direction for Modelling & Simulation.
There is also the opportunity to work as part of a team with equally capable and knowledgeable organisations within Defence and the wider digital community.
This is an opening for wider industry experience and best practice to be showcased within the Defence environment.
This will enable:
Demonstrate and influence the current and future state of Modelling & Simulation within MOD and industry partners: