Chaired and Facilitated by Hannah Croft, Rowden Technologies
Briefings Delivered by:
The ‘Inform and Educate’ Multi-Domain Integration (MDI) subgroup are pleased and privileged to host its first virtual brown bag lunch on the 18 May, from 1200-1400.
The Subgroup has its mission to build common and improved understanding of MDI across the UK defence enterprise by grounding the concept in some real-world examples and practical use cases. Through engagements with UK partners and allies and the private sector, who have been driving similar or adjacent initiatives, we can understand what approaches are working, what are the key lessons learnt, and what needs to happen to accelerate the MDI change programme further and get new capability into the hands of users.
This first virtual brown bag lunch will explore US approaches to building a multi-domain-ready force, with contributions from Colonel Ed Brady, Senior Liaison Officer to the British Army, U.S. Army TRADOC, and Col (Ret), Jon Rhone, former Commander 505th T&E, U.S. Air Force. Col Brady will be talking all things U.S. Army Waypoint, which sets out plans to transform Army doctrine and force structure to build a multi-domain operationally-ready force by 2030, whilst Col Rhone, who was deeply involved in USAF’s initial MDC2 wargames and experimentation work, will share ideas and lessons learnt from developing an early concept into a more concreate plan of experimentation.
We’ll be inviting a few folks from industry to share their own experiences working on these programmes, too, before we break into some Q&A and discussion over virtual peanut butter sandwiches and coffee.
For additional information please feel free to contact Steve Worsnip