Opportunity for TD-Info Members and Non-Members
Software Enabled Defence Workshop #2,
A further opportunity to understand and influence how MOD are evolving to respond to Constant Defence Threat.
If you wish to influence the evolution of MODs approach and engagement in this critical area, please register.
Alongside the speakers there will be breakout workshops were your input and guidance can be applied to the ongoing work and provide focussed direction for the 2024/25 phase of work.
For those attending in person the event will be held at IBM, 20 York Rd, London. SE1 7ND, with coffee from 10:00
Day 1 – Introducing Software Enabled Defence (SED) & Value Management:
Day 2 – Value Management, Software Acquisition & SED:
1. Please support this event with attendee joining in person or virtually – Registration link below.
2. We help make the relationship happen and we all want clarity and then successful business from it.
3. Any pre workshop input welcomed:
Please email to Shaun on shaun.hughes@teamdefence.info Shaun will collate all replies (all anonymous but state if you wish to be quoted).