Welcome to Team Defence Information 

Who are we?

We are a collaborative association that informs defence information policy and pilots new ways of working. Members gain invaluable business intelligence to align and enhance their products, services and working practices.





Areas of Focus

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Information on all sector-relevant events, run by TD-Info and other organisations.

The Supportability Modelling and Analysis CoP

A working group that seeks to identify and promulgate good practice in life cycle cost modelling across the UK Defence sector and contribute to the realisation of the DSCM vision. This next meeting will now be held as a virtual meeting only using Microsoft Teams.  The...


News and blogs to keep you in the know. 

MDI Phase 3a Report

The Multi Domain Integration (MDI) working group successfully reached another waypoint in its evolution with the issue of its phase 3a report. The report covered the working group activities during the period from January to July 2022, with conclusions and...

“Operational Infrastructure and the drive for self-sustainment”

Institute of Royal Engineers Sustainability Conference Programme for the “Operational Infrastructure and the drive for self-sustainment” taking place  26th & 27th  September 2022 is firming up with speakers not only from MOD and the Defence sector but including...