
Collaborative Working Environment WG

The CWE WG investigates how the Collaborative Working Environments required by platforms and capability planners may be delivered more economically and sustainably


A standing group of MOD and Industry representatives to enable communication of MOD plans and discussion of issues relating to ICT services provided to Industry Customers by MOD Defence Digital (formerly ISS).

Information Security Forum

To promote better ways of collaborating securely within the Aerospace and Defence Sector by developing information assurance guidance and influencing MOD security policy to enable improvements in how the Defence community works together.

MOD Cloud WG & Industry Point of View

Facilitating the development and take-up of the MOD’s Cloud capabilities, facilitating collaborative engagement between MOD and Industry.

Multi Domain Integration

A MOD/ TD-Info working group is proposed to engage the Private Sector, (Industry and Academic) inputs into helping deliver the MOD Multi Domain Integration concept and change programme. The group is sponsored by Maj Gen Robin Anderton Brown in Strategic Command.

Secure by Design Working Group

A collaborative working group between Defence Digital and its Industry and MOD Customers to identify and resolve issues and challenges around Secure By Design and its associated accreditations and assurances.

Software Enabled Defence Working Group

A strategic and disruptive MOD/Industry engagement and influence programme, assisting the MOD to exploit digital and software solutions to support the needs of Operational Constant Compeition.

Trading Forum

To support and drive the successful implementation and exploitation of Digital Procurement between MOD and it’s Trading Partner community, through the adoption of best practice processes and technologies.

Our “Communities of Practice” bring together Defence Industry and MOD members, combining their knowledge and intellect, to mutually advance the understanding of common areas of interest.

The output of these Communities of Practice usually develops into a White Paper, provides the focus for establishing a Working Group, or initiates a collaborative Industry/MOD Project.  

Communities of Practice

A list of retired Communities of Practise and their artifacts

Working Groups 

A list of retired working groups and their artifacts


This archive includes past programmes and presentation where the presenter has given permission to share.


A list of retired standards groups and their artifacts


A list of completed projects and their artifacts


Information on all sector-relevant events, run by TD-Info and other organisations.

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News and blogs to keep you in the know. 

Team Defence Information Bulletin – February 2022

 IntroductionHuge thanks to everyone who attended January’s Support Chain Seminar and to the speakers and sponsors that made the event a resounding success. This was the first in-person event that we’ve been able to host in over 18 months and it provided an invaluable...

Team Defence Information Bulletin – January 2022

IntroductionAs we come to the end of another challenging year we begin looking forward to the many events and activities that we have planned for 2022. The new year kicks off with the hybrid Support Chain Seminar (SCS) on 12-13 January where we will join senior...