TD-Info News 

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Information on all sector-relevant events, run by TD-Info and other organisations.

Defence Asset Management CoP

Under the auspices of TD-Info, the DAM CoP is a standing joint MOD, Defence Industry and the Institute of Asset Management (IAM) community of practice. The IAM is the Asset Management (AM) professional body and will be represented by the IAM SW Branch. The DAM CoP...


News and blogs to keep you in the know. 

Launch of the Professional Development Working Group

The PDWG includes the Capability, People and Skills areas within MOD, Industry, Academia and Professional Institutes researching and designing the future skills landscape for the defence sector. Its Purpose is to provide evidenced analysis and assessment to inform...


Introduction from our Managing Director, Phil Williams Dear TD-Info World, As we head towards the summer break, there has been a lot of activity in the TD-Info space this past month and I hope the rest of the newsletter will give you a flavour of what has been going...