Institute of Royal Engineers Sustainability Conference Programme for the “Operational Infrastructure and the drive for self-sustainment” taking place  26th & 27th  September 2022 is firming up with speakers not only from MOD and the Defence sector but including non-defence humanitarian perspectives.

Day 1 opens with key notes from Air Cdre Ange Baker and Lt Gen (Rtd) Richard Nugee introducing the future operating environment and the concept of reduced carbon and self-sustainment.  Topics then expand considering current capabilities and the challenges of transition before exploring opportunites around design practices, and baselining to initiate the change.

With the future contect and challenge set Day 2, introduced by Chief Instructor from the Royal School of Military Engineering (RSME) will look at the role of cultural change and training alongside explotiation of emerging technology.

Along side the presentions there will be trade stands, networking opportuites and a finger buffet supper in the offices mess.

There are still a few spaces available. If you would like to attend then industry please go to our event page to register.

MOD is by invitation only please contact us by email.