Welcome to Team Defence Information 

Who are we?

We are a collaborative association that informs defence information policy and pilots new ways of working. Members gain invaluable business intelligence to align and enhance their products, services and working practices.





Areas of Focus

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Information on all sector-relevant events, run by TD-Info and other organisations.

Lead Sponsors Forum

The Lead Sponsors Forum reviews TD-Info’s performance against agreed strategic goals and helps define its future agenda. Lead Sponsor Forum members are senior figures invited to join from TD-Info’s membership. This meeting is by invitation only.


News and blogs to keep you in the know. 

Futures Coherence Board ToRs

Futures Coherence Board As the scope of work increases and common thematic areas cut across there is a need for reactivate to be cohered. To support this endeavour a new coherence board has been establsihed. Draft copy of the Terms of Defence can be downloaded from...

Launch of the Professional Development Working Group

The PDWG includes the Capability, People and Skills areas within MOD, Industry, Academia and Professional Institutes researching and designing the future skills landscape for the defence sector. Its Purpose is to provide evidenced analysis and assessment to inform...