
TD-Info has a podcast channel – see below for details of how to access podcasts

Podcasts are a convenient and informative way of picking up information – listening while travelling, for instance – making them time-efficient too. Audio has gained in popularity despite the availability of alternatives and the internet’s use of Podcasts has helped increase the diversity of topics covered by the spoken word.

To access the Podcasts

TD-Info Podcasts goes under the title ‘Innovation&Information, the podcast from Team Defence’. Use the links:

Apple Store: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/innovation-information-the-podcast-from-team-defence/id1444208918?mt=2

Web Browser: https://feed.pippa.io/public/shows/5bc4a89ea8090c581fdc0485

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/5Q9tpkBIcdL5SnUPSG9p3B?si=o3zj-LoiR6-Ed1a0F7rKEA

Android Play: the Google Podcast App isn’t available in the UK yet, and so you need to download a third party App such as Podcast Addict, or your preference. You can then subscribe using the itunes link, or the pippa link: https://feed.pippa.io/public/shows/5bc4a89ea8090c581fdc0485

We welcome members contacting TD-Info with suggestions for topics and speakers for Podcasts as well as links to recommendations for Podcasts. Please contact secretariat@teamdefence.info or Luca Leone




Information on all sector-relevant events, run by TD-Info and other organisations.

TD-Info Town Hall Meeting

The TD-Info town halls provide an opportunity for our community, both MoD and Industry to meet and discuss the topics du jour. The September townhall will allow our 1* Exec team to brief on their activities(See below) in the round as they link to our 3* Board’s areas...

JISCOT Meeting – 3rd March 2025

The Mission of the Joint Information Standards Co-ordination Team (JISCOT) is to co-ordinate, for the UK, the MOD and Industry representation in the identification, development, deployment and maintenance of a coherent set of standards to meet the needs of UK Defence...


News and blogs to keep you in the know.