Defence Artificial Intelligence Centre (DAIC) Production Model & Assurance (ProMA) Project

The Defence Artificial Intelligence Centre (DAIC) and Team Defence Information (TD-Info) are working collaboratively to explore the DAIC’s reference production models – and associated assurance regimes – to support the delivery of the ambitious, robust and effective outcomes sought for artificial intelligence (AI) applications across Defence.  The project, managed by TD-Info and governed jointly by MOD and Industry, due to complete by end-March ’23, is resourced by volunteers from member and non-member organizations with sponsorship from Chief DAIC.

 Having already improved the draft functional model (original below – next iteration under development) to inform a new AI Joint Service Publication and influence the wider Defence AI Operating model, it is envisaged that the outputs of this work will be applied to AI development and assurance across Defence. The next event – an Assurance Model workshop – takes place on 24 January commencing ay 1100. If you wish to take part – or would like further information about the project – please contact Tony Butler (

Defence Artificial Intelligence Centre Production Model & Assurance Project Documents

Defence Artificial Intelligence Centre (DAIC) Production Model & Assurance (ProMA) Terms of Reference23/Jan/2023
Defence Artificial Intelligence Centre (DAIC) Production Model & Assurance (ProMA) Project Brief04/Nov/2022


Information on all sector-relevant events, run by TD-Info and other organisations.

Lead Sponsors Forum

The Lead Sponsors Forum reviews TD-Info’s performance against agreed strategic goals and helps define its future agenda. Lead Sponsor Forum members are senior figures invited to join from TD-Info’s membership. This meeting is by invitation only.

Team Defence Strategy Group

The Strategy Group has been established to interpret the 3* Advisory Board’s bi-annual areas of strategic focus along with outputs from the Team Defence Information Council to sponsor and approve Team Defence Information activities which align to these top-level...

JISCOT Meeting – 12 December 2024

The Mission of the Joint Information Standards Co-ordination Team (JISCOT) is to co-ordinate, for the UK, the MOD and Industry representation in the identification, development, deployment and maintenance of a coherent set of standards to meet the needs of UK Defence...


News and blogs to keep you in the know. 

TD-Info Futures: Summer 2022 Update

A New Brand Team Defence Information (TD-Info), ‘Research, Technology, and Innovation’ (RTI) is now simply ‘Futures’. This change aligns with our MOD network, better reflects our breadth of interests and describes our focus – future capability, support, and...

Futures Coherence Board ToRs

Futures Coherence Board As the scope of work increases and common thematic areas cut across there is a need for reactivate to be cohered. To support this endeavour a new coherence board has been establsihed. Draft copy of the Terms of Defence can be downloaded from...