
Defence Artificial Intelligence Centre (DAIC) Production Model & Assurance (ProMA) Project

 The DAIC and TD-Info are working collaboratively to explore the DAIC’s reference production models – and associated assurance regimes – to support the delivery of the ambitious, robust and effective outcomes sought for AI applications across Defence.  

Defence Support Digital Twin Community of Practice (DSDTCoP) – Flares Investigation Task

Digital simulations and representations of flares systems have the potential to provide the MOD with an improved design, test, evaluation and through life support capability for its countermeasure assets. MOD have selected five topics for the Digital Twin Community of Practice to help them understand new approaches.

Knowledge Management Support

Series of workshops briefing out the DE&S Knowledge Management Strategy and vision to garner industry view and validation and begin the process of aligning KM strategies and approach across Defence


The MODCloud initiative has the objective of driving forward the industry take-up and ongoing usage of the MODCloud, which is owned and managed by the MOD. TD-Info provide the objective and independent viewpoint from which we will facilitate collaboration across the Defence ecosystem in order to drive out the business benefits on behalf of ‘UK plc’. 

Identify & Access Management (IdAM)

Team Defence as requested have worked with the MOD team to help identify the sort of IdAM roadmap activities needed to ensure successful adoption and exploitation. This work is helping shape the MOD IdAM Beta programme.

Skype for Business Federation

To build on previous work by sustaining the support and assistance to Industrial organisations that want to leverage the benefits of Skype for Business and Teams to extend federation implementations to provide simplified connectivity between industry peers. This will focus on MOD Strategic Partners but also include engagement with the MOD and increasing involvement of Defence SMEs.

WATERGUARD Support / Export Controls

will look at supporting and developing joint working practices, understanding and common operating models to optimise and exploit the outcome of the MOD WATERGUARD Programme.

Communities of Practice

A list of retired Communities of Practise and their artifacts

Working Groups 

A list of retired working groups and their artifacts


This archive includes past programmes and presentation where the presenter has given permission to share.


A list of retired standards groups and their artifacts


A list of completed projects and their artifacts


Information on all sector-relevant events, run by TD-Info and other organisations.

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News and blogs to keep you in the know. 

Team Defence Information Bulletin – February 2022

 IntroductionHuge thanks to everyone who attended January’s Support Chain Seminar and to the speakers and sponsors that made the event a resounding success. This was the first in-person event that we’ve been able to host in over 18 months and it provided an invaluable...

Team Defence Information Bulletin – January 2022

IntroductionAs we come to the end of another challenging year we begin looking forward to the many events and activities that we have planned for 2022. The new year kicks off with the hybrid Support Chain Seminar (SCS) on 12-13 January where we will join senior...