
Combined Technical Documentation Working Group

The Combined Technical Documentation Working Group (CTDWG) provides a Community of Practice (CoP) to support the MOD’s strategy for technical documentation support solutions and the development of supporting pan-MOD Technical Documentation Policy and Advice and Guidance. The group will provide a business focus on the strategic requirements to enable the delivery of coherent technical documentation solutions, supported by sub groups to focus on specific technical advice and research, specifications and standards.

Committee for Automatic Testing Systems for Defence

This is a forum that allows MOD and industry to co-operate to their mutual advantage, working and agreeing on best practices associated with Automatic Test Systems (ATS) and providing a coherent input into the IEEE SCC20 standards.

Committee on Defence Equipment Reliability & Maintainability

Committee on Defence Equipment Reliability & Maintainability (CoDERM). In order to ensure that military capability is maximised through optimal levels of equipment Reliability and Maintainability (R&M) it is essential that MOD and industry co-operate to their mutual advantage. The CoDERM has been established to provide a Community of Practice to facilitate that co-operation.

Defence Support Reference Architecture Business Functional Model WG

Collaboration between industry and MOD to further develop the Business Functional Model which informs a range of MOD programmes.

Integrated Product Support (IPS) CoP (formerly SCSEWG)

Strive to improve the Whole Life Cost Effectiveness of the “System of Interest”.

Joint Obsolescence Management Working Group

Forum for Team Defence to discuss and promulgate existing and developing Policy, Advice and Guidance on Obsolescence Management matters.

Packaging for Equipment Acquisition and Support

This Community of Practice provides a forum for the MOD and Industry where topics of discussion include guidance and resolution of matters relating to Military Level Packaging, training, links with Professional Bodies e.g. The Packaging Society (IoM³); innovations related to packaging.

Supportability Modelling and Analysis Community of Practice

A working group that seeks to identify and promulgate good practice in life cycle cost modelling across the UK Defence sector and contribute to the realisation of the DSCM vision.

We have a number of “Working Groups” established to advance the mutual knowledge and understanding of a specific topic that is timely, defined, and relevant to Industry and MOD. 

Each Working Group provides the focus for an area of innovative research and development invariably leading to the definition of mutually agreed standards, publication of a White Paper, or initiation of a collaborative Industry/MOD Project. 

Communities of Practice

A list of retired Communities of Practise and their artifacts

Working Groups 

A list of retired working groups and their artifacts


This archive includes past programmes and presentation where the presenter has given permission to share.


A list of retired standards groups and their artifacts


A list of completed projects and their artifacts


Information on all sector-relevant events, run by TD-Info and other organisations.

Lead Sponsors Forum

The Lead Sponsors Forum reviews TD-Info’s performance against agreed strategic goals and helps define its future agenda. Lead Sponsor Forum members are senior figures invited to join from TD-Info’s membership. This meeting is by invitation only.

MOD DUxDA (Defence UxS ((Uncrewed ‘x’ systems)) Design Authority): Face-to Face Industry Early Engagement Event – Expression of Interest

A new Team Defence-info supported MOD DUxDA face-to-face industry early engagement event has now been announced. Please note: Expressions of interest must be submitted by close of play 11th March Background - The UK Defence Drone Strategy 2024...


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