TD-Info Annual General Meeting

The TD-Info Annual General Meeting (AGM), will normally be hosted in conjenction with the TD-Info Lead Sponsors Forum.

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Lead Sponsors Forum & AGM...


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TD-Info Council And AGM Meeting...


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TD-Info Annual General Meeting Documents



Information on all sector-relevant events, run by TD-Info and other organisations.

Lead Sponsors Forum

The Lead Sponsors Forum reviews TD-Info’s performance against agreed strategic goals and helps define its future agenda. Lead Sponsor Forum members are senior figures invited to join from TD-Info’s membership. This meeting is by invitation only.

Team Defence Strategy Group

The Strategy Group has been established to interpret the 3* Advisory Board’s bi-annual areas of strategic focus along with outputs from the Team Defence Information Council to sponsor and approve Team Defence Information activities which align to these top-level...

JISCOT Meeting – 12 December 2024

The Mission of the Joint Information Standards Co-ordination Team (JISCOT) is to co-ordinate, for the UK, the MOD and Industry representation in the identification, development, deployment and maintenance of a coherent set of standards to meet the needs of UK Defence...


News and blogs to keep you in the know. 

TD-Info Futures: Summer 2022 Update

A New Brand Team Defence Information (TD-Info), ‘Research, Technology, and Innovation’ (RTI) is now simply ‘Futures’. This change aligns with our MOD network, better reflects our breadth of interests and describes our focus – future capability, support, and...

Futures Coherence Board ToRs

Futures Coherence Board As the scope of work increases and common thematic areas cut across there is a need for reactivate to be cohered. To support this endeavour a new coherence board has been establsihed. Draft copy of the Terms of Defence can be downloaded from...