TD-Info Excellence Award & Good Practice Market Place At The Annual Defence Information Event

The TD-Info Excellence Award and Good Practice Market Place – held at the annual Defence Information (DI) Event – recognises, celebrates and shares successful collaboration practices in Team Defence.

It is keenly supported by both MOD and Industry, who recognise the value of learning from joint endeavours involving companies of all sizes – from Defence primes to the smallest micro-businesses.

All finalists win 2 attendee places and an Exhibition Stand to showcase their entries in the TD-Info Good Practice Market Place at the Defence Information event.

Judging is held on Day 2 of this premier annual MOD/Industry Event.

The Team Defence Information (TD-Info) Good Practice Market Place at this Event  provides an unrivalled opportunity for MOD/Industry to showcase and share bright ideas and collaborative ways of working amongst suppliers, customers and Defence users. It celebrates innovative Team Defence activities and is keenly supported by the MOD who, along with Industry, recognise the value of learning from innovative joint endeavours involving companies of all sizes – from Defence primes to the smallest micro-businesses.

Entries will shortly open for the TD-Info 2022 Excellence Award and we look forward to participation from member organisations including the MOD. 

For further information, please email Tony Butler.

Priority Documents/Files

There are 2 priority documents/files associated with this community:

TD-Info 2020 Excellence Award Entry Form & About v02 PUBLIC PA  Expand

DI19: Results of TD-Info 2019 Excellence Awards PUBLIC P  Expand

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