Simplified Technical English Support Team (STEST-UK)
The STEST-UK has representatives from leading UK organisations and companies that use Simplified Technical English (STE). The UK Simplified Technical English Working Group (UKSTEWG) is a group of representatives from leading UK organisations and companies that use Simplified Technical English (STE). The main purpose of the STEST-UK is to understand the UK’s requirement for STE, promote STE in the UK, be a source of information and guidance on STE, and represent UK changes and recommendations to the Simplified Technical English Maintenance Group (STEMG).
If you are interested in joining the STEST-UK , or have questions about STE, please contact TD-Info here.

Upcoming Events
Recent Events
UK STE Working Group Documents
Information on all sector-relevant events, run by TD-Info and other organisations.
Integrated Product Support (IPS) CoP
To support the UK MoD and UK industry in improving Supportability Engineering (ILS) standards, processes (technical and management) and training in order to improve the effectiveness and the efficiency of Supportability Engineering (ILS) programmes and hence...
Lead Sponsors Forum
The Lead Sponsors Forum reviews TD-Info’s performance against agreed strategic goals and helps define its future agenda. Lead Sponsor Forum members are senior figures invited to join from TD-Info’s membership. This meeting is by invitation only.
CDLS Defence Support Briefing
The CDLS Defence Support Briefing will be held in place of Support Net. This will be held on 1st July 09.30 - 16.00 in person at: Bawa Ballroom 589 Southmead Rd Filton Bristol BS34 7RG and virtually via MS Teams More information to follow in due...
News and blogs to keep you in the know.
TD-Info Futures: Summer 2022 Update
A New Brand Team Defence Information (TD-Info), ‘Research, Technology, and Innovation’ (RTI) is now simply ‘Futures’. This change aligns with our MOD network, better reflects our breadth of interests and describes our focus – future capability, support, and...
Futures Coherence Board ToRs
Futures Coherence Board As the scope of work increases and common thematic areas cut across there is a need for reactivate to be cohered. To support this endeavour a new coherence board has been establsihed. Draft copy of the Terms of Defence can be downloaded from...
EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (EOI) Futures Lab – Expeditionary Water Generation and Recycling
Instructions 1. If your organisation has any experience in the following capabilities, please contact the Futures Lab team by submitting a response to this EOI: Experience and capability required: Water generation...